Sunday, June 18, 2017

Travel Poems

I've seen
To: The Places I've Been
To the places I've seen! 
From man made, slave made,
Through Gods beautiful scenes.
How can what these places display
Change a single thing?
The eyes are connected
To the mind, heart, and soul. 
But the greatest blessing of all my friends
Is that our eyes have yet to be full. 

Dearest Europe
Dearest Europe,
Dearest France,
Dearest History, and dearest chance,
I write this letter to tell you all
of my experiences with you!
You have taught me of happiness, despair, war, and blood,
romance, legacy, and depressions caused by the spud,
You bring wonder to the eyes of the beholder,
and understanding to the eyes of the dreamer,
You leave tears in the eyes of the tourist,
and hope in they eyes of the equalist.
You leave the American envious,
of a world that is clean, bright, and fast.
It may be true that you have the sophistication of royalties and philosophers,
With chance having woven it's fingers into your enchanting tapestry of the past,
But there is just a bit more wonder, in the steadfast pioneers, who left your country, to make their own.
From, your faithful enthusiast.

I've seen #2
I've seen incredible wonders of nature
I've seen Gothic cathedrals, God through architecture and song
I've seen the graves of those people
who have left stories stronger than death, and legacy's that have been picked out for every wrong.
I've seen lushes endless mountains, that wave upon green hills.
I've seen the tireless ocean, wash upon the cliffs and beaches,
and square rocks formed by constant swills.
I've seen those things that time has tempered, the things that become more valuable throughout the years.
I've seen empty castles full of invisible stories,
and ceilings brimming with symbolism, crafted into impossible dome-shaped spheres.
I've seen things that not only fill the eyes, but scents, and sounds that fill every patient soul.
I've stood in places where others have stood at their last, as a learner, perceiver, and replicator of how they fulfilled their roles.
I've stood in places that for miles I've climbed, for the chance to say where I stood.
With all the places I've seen, it's hard to say whether or not they have made me genuinely good.

But, this I know; that I've seen them, and that is all.

To see the past
The past is what changes the future to what we live in right now.
To see where the past took place, to see portraits, history, and culture twisted in legend, it answers many futures of why's and how's.
To live, breath, and hear in the surroundings, to truly see what you have seen
leads to curiosities that are endless, and attention that becomes more keen.

It makes a person wonder if you can look upon your life
as you do an artifact, or a museum display
or upon an ancient war hero,
even if you look upon it day by day
could you strategize your war tactics,
or make connections to causes and effects
could you look upon a historical figure
and see your face reflected back
can you see the trials of history
and obtain what it was they lacked
can you simply forget your own sins
when you visit the places that carry them?
To see the past, is to see the future,
and history, we must never condemn.