Saturday, October 25, 2014

A tree (poem #2)

Wrinkled with history,
Splintered from strength.
Gifted with green stars,
That contrast the blue fishless tank.
It started out just a sapling,
And seemed to grow quite quick.
Yet years have gone into progression,
Years to become thoroughly thick.

Trees are planted with purpose,
As God has made trees to be.
Purpose in cracked burly branches,
Supporting children so they can climb their favorite tree.
And if you tip your head so slightly,
It's beauty is worth marveling at.

Purpose in blocking us from the striking sun,
And a wonderful playground for fun.
Not only do trees rough branches,
Give us all of this,
But sprouted from water and sunlight,
Are walnuts aching to be picked.
The biggest purpose perhaps of a tree,
is the ability it gives us to breath.

Purpose breaths out of all of it's wrinkled splintered burly skin.
And if we breath in a tree, those breaths will be absorbed within.
And then,
Perhaps we,
Will be breath just like a tree.

-Ella Johnson

If original poem

If only we
could compare ourselves
to a tree.

-Ella Johnson

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Daydream Technique

This is a writing technique that I found very useful and it helped me better understand the scene when I had thought about it for a good ten minutes.

Gertrude walked past houses, looking exactly like one another, and blending in with the fall colors. Black, brown, grey, cream, and dead (which is all of them combined of course.) The dark road was the only black thing in sight, yet there seemed to be a blackness in the air. One could see the darkness of it by watching the way it tickled the trees, and then ferociously slammed into them, knocking off what little leaves they had left. For Gertrude, this wind could only arouse goose-bumps, and push her forward, as the wind always did in the fall, reminding her of the real darkness that she had yet to defeat. She saw the color of cream in the sky, being a very pale day, the blue friendly heavens were hidden by clouds that couldn't decide if they wanted to be gloomy or not. Nor could they decide if it was going to rain.

Gertrude observed all of this in her usual rhythmic pattern of marching, listening to the leaves crunch under her boot. Perhaps she was listening a little too keenly though, because it wasn't until something got extremely close, before she recognized the sound of more leaves being crunched directly behind her.
"What a felicitous day for me to find you here Gertrude."

Monday, October 13, 2014

New Beginnings

And old ones....
This is for the short story I am in the process of writing.

Beginning #1 (aka old one...... be prepared, it's terrible):

Gertrude was an extremely unordinary girl. In her perfect neighborhood, going to her perfect school with a perfect principle and the principles perfect daughter,, she was almost an outcast. people didn't judge her, (they were perfect after all) they only thought ill of her. Gertrude didn't mind. She took it as a compliment. Even her looks stood out from the others. She had wonderfully blond hair, that twisted and kinked until it rose above her shoulders. She still had most of her baby fat hanging off her cheeks and wrists. Her height was far below average, resting at about 4ft. She wasn't particularly smart, unless you count having very large opinions and being mature for your age as smart.

Beginning #2:

Nothing was quite perfect.

Lawns were mowed, houses cleaned, school learned, and life lived. But... Something wasn't quite perfect.

Parking lots were painted as often as the borderlines of a soccer field. Traffic was hethenistic and therefore it never transpired. Curling irons were used everyday to coil hair in the most optimal shape. Life was perfect.

But it wasn't.

There was just the right amount of people in this specifically ideal neighborhood. With many imperfections, it was perfect. It looked perfect therefore it was. The people looked perfect therefore they were. In this absolute neighborhood there was a girl. And she was different.
Let me restate, she was immensely peculiar and unordinary. She was this way, only because she chose to be. Her name was Gertrude.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Blind date writings

"Hi! You must be Ivy."Steve stated excitedly to a black haired beauty. He swore he'd seen her before.
Untying his apron, he stopped trying to remember where he'd seen that face, and asked Ivy to wait while he requested a table from Charlotte.
Yes, he worked at Applebees the blind date location.
Yes, this would mean he only had to pay half. (woot woot)
Charlotte requested he follow her and Steve grabbed Ivy on the way.
They sat down at a corner table and ordered their food.
"VOILET! That's where I recognize you. You didn't happen to be the model for a character in that cute animated show called the Incredibles that can do force-fields and invisibility???"
"Ummm no."
Yeah maybe her looks were throwing him off, she hadn't gone through the whole transformation to being shy to not being shy wearing headband asking her school crush out on a whim phase like Violet did at the end. Man.... what a great show.
"Oh ok, don't take offence from that, personally I think violet is one of the cutest animated characters."
Ivy's face obviously told him that was the wrong thing to say. But she must have been playing hard to get, come on, what girl doesn't like a compliment like that?
This was going way too great. :D

"hi you must be ivy." A brown haired skinny waiter stated to Ivy as she walked into a Applebees.
Let me restate. He was a waiter. The apron and everything.
Ivy wanted to sprint out of this building and delete all her social media accounts since some random waiter knew her name.
"I'm gonna get us a table. Wait here." He stated again.
Oh. JK. This was only Steve, her blind date. Overacting. But she wanted to sprint out of the building all the same. She would keep her social media accounts though, she liked those a little too much.
Being whisked off to a table, she hoped she wouldn't have to do any of the talking. Curse her roommate for setting her up!
"VOILET! That's where I recognize you. You didn't happen to be the model for a character in that cute animated show called the Incredibles that can d-"
"ummmmmm no."
"Oh ok, don't take offence from that, personally I think violet is one of the cutest animated characters."
Ok never mind. She wouldn't mind doing ALL of the talking.
Girls don't like awkwardness, and even if this calling her cute was a nice, it made things awkward. Awkwardness on the first date should be avoided at all costs!!!!! Who remembers compliments on your looks anyway? Weren't dates meant to become attracted to the inner beauty?!?!?!
She had been set up with a confident ignorant arrogant boy. Or as she liked to call them the CIA's.
He needed to order eight chickens instead of that salad. Of course she was just being judgmental but gosh, he had given her the license for it.