Monday, November 24, 2014

An experimental poem:

One day I was having fun looking for a poem to work with my speech when
I found a poem that kind of worked.
So I coppied and pasted it into my document when
I realized it didn't really work. At all. So I rewrote it.

Imagine: by Rev. Stan Howse (original poem)
Imagine what it would be like
To accept and believe
That all the good our Father has
Can never be achieved
Through all the striving that we do.
To make ourselves "worthwhile".

Imagine we could hear Her Voice say,
"All mine is yours, my child.
I love you, not for what you do,
Or say, or try to be...
I love you just because you are you
While imagining you are me."
Imagine, if you can this day
God's in you all the while,
Imagining Himself as clay
As Father, Mother, Child.

My version of this poem (It isn’t very similar)
Imagine what it would be like
To accept and believe
That all the glories from life
Are already achieved.

Imagine we could hear a voice say,
"You've made it to the end of trials,
You've passed the final test,
No more running fast paced miles,
I know you've done your best.”

Though this can be imagined,
It will never come to pass,
Unless we put in the effort,
And mold each link in our casque.

For armor doesn't come just because we are brave enough to fight,
Nor does a typewriter appear because we want to write.
We must put in the effort,
To change into something new.
The sky must be filled with blackness, before it turns bright blue.

P.S you know you want to look up the word casque.

P.P.S. my version of the peom doesn't work in my speech either but hey free poem.

A Halloween poem (I know it's late)

None of us know everything.
So, then there is many things we do not know,
Mystery, secrecy, investigation.
Not knowing, means not believing.
No understanding.
No love.
A void.
And we are afraid of it.
We are afraid of voids, afraid of the unknown.
We are afraid of not understanding or being understood.
We fear the absence of love.
We fear not being able to believe in something.
We fear the unknown.

Mystery, secrecy, investigation.
Thrills, Dauntlessness, Haunted.
Darkness, Chills, and Fear.

How selfish we are. 

When I stepped out my door.... happened

Photography by Ella Johnson

Cold = love hate relationship (and nice pictures)

I <3 shoe pictures

Photography by Ella Johnson

Books, books, books.

Photography by Ella Johnson.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Light and Dark

Hopefully you can catch the symbolism in this poem:

Every morning
growing with light
Every night,
is filled with dark
Neither of them
are at all pretend.
Light and dark
will never end.

-Ella Johnson

AND I took two pictures for you: (that may or may not work with this poem, you decide :)

Photography by Ella Johnson

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Little boy

Freckles sprinkled across his face,
Fiery indignance fills his pace,
Mischief is spread wherever he goes,
Many try, but he is difficult to enclose.
This one little boy,
these two crooked eyes,
look back at his mother,
a lion in disguise.
Photography found on Pinterest :)

Two kinds of beauty

Habitats collide to harmonize for only one being.
The mute could finally whisper, hearing the waves.
Fresh moss, salty wind, and wildlife.
-Ella Johnson

Photography found on google :)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Gods Nature

Everything is at peace when God sends his friendship
through the trees.
How perfect is the way you can shake hands with nature,
it's hand you warmly take in greeting
and you let it kiss you on the cheek

Who could ever hate such a beautiful thing?

-Ella Johnson